sharing vienna

This is a short workshop run by Carlos Arroyo at the Institut für Kunst und Architektur (IKA) in Vienna as part of the Extremes of Living series

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Informing our study of URBAN STRUCTURE AND WAYS OF LIFE we may define a privacy gradient to frame the infinite intermediate situations between public and private.
Between the public square and the bedroom, there is a whole array of examples that question the traditional divide, the black and white conception of public and private.

This leads us to the study of


Public square – temporarily privatized public space with no contract – benches on the street – licensed occupation – open-air cafés – kiosks – advertising – privately-owned public access space – shopping centres with piazzas and streets – the tube – accessible spaces with admission reserves – open shops – self-service – closed shops – shops with a bell – public buildings and services – libraries – publicly-owned restricted access space – pay-to-enter accessible space – residences – urban communities – gated communities with shops and services – co-ownership – shared systems – shared leisure – swimming-pools – tennis – crèche – portal – media – virtual space – shared flats– grouped units – clans– families – friends – symbiosis – internet – wikipaedias – from the bedroom to cyberspace and back again.

This spectrum of intermediate situations covers almost everything, and yet, it is little studied. We still operate under the false impression of the radical separation between private and public.
The aim of this exercise is to verbalise, visualise, get to know these places as they are now, and to create a set of tools to control and design shared space in future projects.

akbild arch / extremes of living / wese 06/07 / workshop / Heidi Pretterhofer / 25.09.2006 /
Extremes of Living / Workshop
First task: Living Extreme

Switch of your well known image of Vienna, forget your identity and go on an expedition to unknown living patterns in the boroughs of Vienna, outside of the Gürtel.

Look for places and situations where you would like to spend the night and collect the qualities and criterias of it. Look for “Shared Space” as Carlos Arroyo names it.

Timetable: 8 hours of extreme living
start: wed 4th oct 2006, 22:00 (after the lecture)
end: thur 5th oct 2006, 06:00 (go home take a shower and a break)
presentation of the expedition thur 5th oct 14:00 R211

Teams: 2 students

Location: Vienna
10. Favoriten
11. Simmering
12. Meidling
13. Hietzing
14. Penzing
15. Rudolfsheim-Fünfh
16. Ottakring
17. Hernals
18. Währing
19. Döbling
20. Brigittenau
21. Floridsdorf
22. Donaustadt
23. Liesing

Public transport
On Foot

Comfortable shoes
Comfortable clothes
Index cards
10 Euro maximum (don´t spend more money)

Spend the night in “your” borough
If you have friends or families there, don´t visit them
Don´t spend your night in hotesl, bars, clubs …

Making friends
Making connections
Making spaces

Report of the expedition
Lost property (give it in zip-bags and make a note: title, place, time)

If you are in troubles and you don´t know what to do, the magic words are “self organisation” and “improvisation”.

Enjoy and good luck!!!

Extremes of Living - 4th- 6th October 2006


“On Living” will be the topic of the winter term at the Institute for Art and Architectur at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

The workshop “Extremes of Living”at the beginning of the semester should be an intensive startingpoint, questioning the relations of living and housing. What are the conditions and references of extreme living? Is it Andy Warhol and his factory, or living without apartment in the city, living enclosed in a prison or in a movie? Where we will live how and with whom?

“Extremes of Living” should adress issues of living beyond the questions of squaremeters and typologies, the aim is to get a specific awarness of living conditions. There should be different entrances (or exits) to the topic of living

- timetable

Wed, 4th Oct 2006

11.00h: Introduction with Antje Lehn und Heidi Pretterhofer (Room 211)

14.00h: "Nobody Knows" Film, 141min Japan (Stadtkino, Schwarzenbergplatz)

19.00h: "Million Donkey Hotel", lecture Feld 72, Vienna (EG Nord, Atelierhaus)

22:00 - 06:00: “Living Extreme” (1:1 experience. for students only!!! see programm)

Thur, 5th Oct 2006

14.00h: "Living Extreme" presentation of the expetition (Room 211)

15.00h: "Shared Space" workshop with Carlos Arroyo and IKA staff (Room 211)

20.00h: "Shared Space" lecture Carlos Arroyo, Madrid (EG Nord, Atelierhaus)

Fri, 6th Oct 2006

10.00h: "Shared Space" workshop with Carlos Arroyo and IKA staff (Room 211)

17.00h: Student presentation with Carlos Arroyo + Feld 72 + IKA staff (Room 211)

- location:

Room 211, 2nd floor

Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien

- information:

Antje Lehn, Heidi Pretterhofer

Sunday, September 24, 2006

coming soon

The Sharing Vienna workshop will begin shortly